Part time Jobs for university students currently enrolled in accredited universities or higher educational institutions in Qatar

Student Part-time Work Program

 The program supports university students enrolled in accredited universities in Qatar, by providing (part-time) job opportunities.


Program participants will be eligible to work under the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be a student at a university or higher education institution in Qatar.
  • The student must hold a valid Qatari ID card.


Exchange students from universities outside Qatar are not eligible to join the program.


Required Documents

Candidates must submit the following documents:

Personal Documents

  • Copy of a valid Qatari ID
  • High-quality personal passport sized photo (size 6x4)
  • Copy of last updated CV
  • High-quality personal passport-sized photo (Size 6x4)
  • A copy of the birth certificate certified by the Ministry of Public Health (for both children of Qatari women and those born in Qatar)

University Enrollment Documentation

  • Letter of registration/enrolment at a university or higher education institution within Qatar mentioning the semester currently registered.

 Terms and Conditions

Applicants must adhere to the following conditions regarding part-time employment:

  • Working hours should comply with the following criteria: a maximum of 20 hours per week during the semester and a maximum of 40 hours per week during the summer vacation.
  • The part-time employment contract is only valid if the student continues their studies and expires upon graduation.
  • Qatar Manpower Solutions & Co. (Jusour) will verify that part-time employees are students.
  • According to the contract signed between the parties, Jusour is also responsible for taking appropriate action at the event of the student’s graduation.

Program fees

Program services are free for all program beneficiaries.