Sahem - Student Part-time Work Program

Student Part-time Work Program

At Jusour, we recognize the importance of providing work opportunities for students studying in Qatar based universities to allow them the chance to gain experience to be ready for their future careers. That is why we are introducing this Part Time work program.


Candidates for this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently studying at a Qatar-based university or higher education institution.
  • Legal residents in Qatar.

Note: Exchange students from universities outside of Qatar are not eligible for the program.




Documents required:

Candidates must provide the following documents for the application:

  • Student’s Valid Qatari ID.
  • Enrollment Letter from university, specifying the student's GPA.
  • Personal photos (passport size).
  • Updated CV.


Program users will be eligible to work for only one employer as per the conditions detailed: 

  • Working hours must be aligned with the defined parameters (up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 48 hours per week during academic vacation).
  • The part-time training contract or part-time work contract is only valid while the candidate is an active student and will expire upon graduation.
  • Jusour’s company is responsible for ensuring that the part-time trainees hired are students throughout the contract’s duration and taking the required action once their status has changed.





The program's services are free of charge for all applicants and company owners.