Sahem - University Graduates Residency Permit Extension

Graduating Student Visa Extension

Sahem Graduating Student Visa Extension Program aims to support graduating students in Qatar by offering them the opportunity to gain a 1-year visa extension in Qatar while looking for jobs.


Candidates for this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be studying/studied in a Qatar based university.
  • Must be above 18 years of age.
  • Graduated not more than 3 months as of time of application.
  • Sponsored by the University.( it will apply to both University and Family sponsored students. )


  • Documents required:

    Candidates must also provide the following documents:

    • Graduate Certificate and/or a future Graduating Statement from a Qatar based University/Institution.
    • Valid QID.
    • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Sponsor (University).
    • Passport


    The following conditions regarding visa extensions must be adhered to:

    • Visa extensions grant successful candidates a 1-year visa extension enabling them to stay in Qatar while they look for employment.
    • Visa extension candidates will be sponsored by the university which the candidate graduated from.
    • Candidates can apply for a visa extension up to 3 months post-graduation.





The program's services are free of charge for all graduate students.